Visualizing Science

A good friend of mine emailed me these and they are just too intense not to share. It appears there are some specs and some actual photographs mixed in here, but the description is where the SLAM happens. Love it when my brain hurts. Hurts so good. Biomimicry has been an interest of mine for a while, particularly in architecture. I suppose it’s funny for an organic creature (myself) to try and mimic other organic things, but once I surround myself with petrochemicals it... Read More

Jonathan Harris

I was introduced today to Jonathan Harris, by way of his work on Whale Hunt (more on that later). This is Mr. Harris’ explanation of himself: So this is what is called a hook. Oh right, speaking of hooks, big effective hooks, I am delighted by his work in Alaska documenting a whale hunt. This is documentation like you’ve never seen before. Jonathan has spoken more than once at TED and his other projects include topics that mine the internet in relation to human... Read More

The Portland Prints

Alright let’s go to an art show showcasing Portland! I really don’t need to say more, but here is more in case convincing is needed. Tomorrow, Saturday March 6, 7-10pm @ 1910 N. Killingsworth St. 97212 “Experience a collection of Society6 Prints inspired by the city of Portland and including artists from all over the world.” Each of these prints are available for purchase at Society6 – but they’ll look even better in real life. Grow a... Read More

Jesse Brew’s Alaska Photography

I was pleasantly surprised the other morning waking up to a new set of photos from Jesse Brew taken on a recent trip to Alaska. The photography is stunning not only because the subject matter is so strikingly beautiful (which it is) but also his treatment of color and use of cropping are spot on. I have family in Alaska and it is no secret that we at FORTPORT have an affinity for the rugged cold climates. Take a look around Jesse’s portfolio you’ll find plenty of... Read More

Freia cows

If California has happy cows, Norway has outdoorsy ones. I suppose that’s odd, thinking of cows as the outdoorsy type. Since, you know, they live outside. But these ones ski, and make what looks like killer chocolate. I have no clue what Kvikk Lunsj is but I want some of it in my mouth right now. As it turns out it is nearly identical to Kit Kat bars, but Norwegian for “Quick Lunch.” I don’t know about you but if I ate Kit Kat bars for lunch I’d... Read More

Tatiana Plakhova

Working from Moscow, Tatiana Plakhova has clearly taken over the universe with a complex system representing, well, everything. I find myself imagining what these points could represent as data, and then my mind explodes in small bursts, so it’s probably better to just enjoy the digital illustration for what it is; gorgeous. Coulour Atelier | Issuu Portfolio  Read More