Will Bryant, Please!

William Bryant just moved to Portland via Austin and just killed the New York Times Magazine front cover with the illustrated question of the year “What if the Secret to Success is Failure?” This man can draw, and he draws everyday. Plus he’s humble and nice and hard working. So that’s amazing. Mr. Bryant has been generous enough to share some process sketches and below is the cover on the NYT website! Holding this thing in-hand... Read More

Sunday Time(s)

Sunday again. You know what this means in my house. This week, however, I was on a mission to find a friend of ours inside the newspaper, but a couple things first. The cover of the magazine is a simulacrum of the C++ code that exploits a common secutiry flaw in WiFi networks, allowing a hacker to impersonate a user on a particular web site. The code was adapted by Lacy Garrison who does some pretty incredible work for some serious clients. When... Read More

Food Issue, shot by Lucas Foglia

Sunday means The New York Times is all over my house. Ripped apart, crinkled, piled up, sat on, spilled on, and loved, very well loved. Each year the NYT Magazine does a few food issues, this one with a great article by Michael Pollan on a 36-hour dinner party cooked in a cob oven consisting of one goat, one fire, and many cooks. Do not read if you are hungry, you will want to eat the magazine. Obviously there is great content throughout, especially... Read More

Visualizing Science

A good friend of mine emailed me these and they are just too intense not to share. It appears there are some specs and some actual photographs mixed in here, but the description is where the SLAM happens. Love it when my brain hurts. Hurts so good. Biomimicry has been an interest of mine for a while, particularly in architecture. I suppose it’s funny for an organic creature (myself) to try and mimic other organic things, but once I surround... Read More