Perspective narrative


Perspective, or more importantly narrative. We each have several, perhaps hundreds. On the front door of my identity there are a few narratives: male, curious, young, European-descendant, son of a logger. What does it mean though for my personal narratives if I can successfully mesh with narratives around me? Or, perhaps, narratives that will never come in contact with my own (ie.... Read More

Jeff Swartz, Honor is in the source


The yellow Timberland boot. The American boot, as hard working as Carharts, shearling, and blue jeans. Almost an artifact, the archetype that has not wavered or changed in style since the current CEO Jeff Swartz’ grandfather began the company. In 1960, the family company introduced innovative injection-molding technology which allowed for nearly 100% waterproof boots by attaching... Read More

Automotive furniture


Autostella is a showroom for the new Fiat 500 being sold in Thailand. Well, new as in it was built in 2009. The showroom designers decided to neglect the sort of space that highlights the cars features, and instead opted for an intimate cafe feeling. These cars look like little sofas in this setting! Just checking these out I’m certain I’d just want to move-in. Rather... Read More

Balinese performance art


Shadow Puppetry “Wayang” Shadow puppet theater is a thousand-year-old artform that entertains millions to this day in Indonesia & Bali. Cut from buffalo hides, puppets are placed between a tightly hung screen and an electric or fire lamp and usually tell epic Hindu tales like The Ramayana or The Mahabharata. Entire villages gather and watch the all-night tales which... Read More

Manhattan Masjid, or YMCA


Disclaimer I originally hesitated to comment on this, wondering if this was the appropriate venue to talk about a couple of pressing things. If it’s not a stretch, the subject does involve shared spaces, complex systems, and perhaps narrative storytelling. Don’t be alarmed, I’m quite a mild commentator, perhaps you share some of these views also. Headlines usually... Read More

Canadian luggage tags & decals


Grabbing some fresh mountain air and incredible landscapes is usually enough. Coming home with luggage tags and decals only makes it more incredible. These socialists know how to make a take-away! Most people are familiar with the Chateau at Lake Louise, it’s such a huge icon of the Northwest. On this side of the country, however, most people have never seen or heard of... Read More

From Where We Stand – Portland Masjid


Islamic Center of Portland Dr. Cornel West recently said I like to be multi-contextual, which is much more important than being multicultural. I read that only a day before I visited a Mosque (Masjid) for the first time in my life. This was a heartwood trip. I’ve heard the call to prayer (Adhan) for years, I’ve even had a widget on my home computer blare out the call... Read More

Caribou, Florence + The Machine


We all know and love Caribou’s latest album by now. Their video for Sun has probably been seen or heard of, but in case you missed it here it is in its dream-like glory. I love these women! They are total art moms partying after a gala at the academy. The soul patrol group that comes in with Kid n’ Play hair and incredible sneaks are such a fantastic mix with the art... Read More

Harrier and Jaguar

This exhibition in the Tate Britain by Fiona Banner is really stunning. Both jets that are used in the piece were used in battle in the Gulf and Bosnia. They remind me of taxidermied animals. Both are wild and dangerous and could kill you in a million ways but have been reduced to nothing more than decoration. I wish I could get to London to go see them! Besides all the emotions... Read More

H.M.C.S. Vancouver

I LOVE Canada. I will not hold it in anymore. I have Canadian pride. You guys are awesome. Great politics, you take care of the least of yours, you elect aboriginal peoples & immigrants into leadership, you have an incredible landscape far more epic than ours, and you still have territories and forts. So imagine my delight when I saw Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Vancouver... Read More