Where is Ai Wei Wei?

China’s most influential art figure is missing. Detained, likely, in a state facility, flipping off everyone who walks by him. His fame and accolades can now do little for him. Even a statement by Secretary Clinton is met with silence from the government that has detained Ai Wei Wei. His 100,000,000 porcelain seeds sit as silent as he does in Turbine hall at the Tate. As it stands, there are now 100,000,001 silent porcelain seeds waiting to... Read More

Water Brains in China

I was exposed to this short animated film late last year and have watched it ten times or so to try and understand the meaning in some sort of relevant way, beyond the gorgeous animation. The film comes from Guangzhou, China, depicting children studying under the rigorous draconian task masters that consume the work of the children; their brain steam, of course. Do not be fooled by the whimsical first forty seconds of this film, its realism is... Read More