Space Collective


While I was trolling Cargo Collective today (as I’m want to do) I ran across the profile of Superfamous Studios who developed the Cargo Collective content management system. According to their site Cargo Collective was built on the systems the team had set up to run their prior project which look really interesting. is a ground breaking participatory learning community and independent creative research platform where “forward thinking terrestrials share ideas and information about possible futures within our lifetimes.”

The term “thought leader” makes my skin crawl but it looks like I may have actually found some.



3 Responses to “Space Collective”
  1. Aaron says:

    this site made my brain explode into tiny bits and then reassemble again with the noise of a steam engine.

  2. Dude, space collective is the reason I switched my site over to Cargo. Literally one of the greatest things on the web right now. Talk about a community. Sheeeit.

  3. Ben says:

    Pretty amazing stuff I had no idea the face melting/ brain bending I was in for when I clicked the link off his Cargo site hoooooweeeeee

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