Almost but not at all

Earlier I asked some questions about what on earth we are designing. It is so clear that there is a rift happening between XXth century rampant emptyness and a XXIst century realization that wait, I can participate in creating value for humans. It is not my position whatsoever to ridicule or undermine the creative talents of those individuals who are designing and directing for the consumer brands of today – and I would be remiss to do so. It... Read More

Daily Drop Cap

ith the increase of digital formats on which to consume written media it seems to some like physical books are becoming things of the past. While I don’t agree with this I do agree that things are changing, and fast. It’s always nice however to see people who are keeping it old school and taking design and typography back to some of it’s roots. It’s in this spirit that the daily drop cap was created. Every weekday Jessica... Read More

The bird brains of Portland

Talking Birds art show from Aaron Rayburn on Vimeo. Alright so the show is still up at the Land Gallery. This was my first show, meaning I had no idea what on earth was going to happen, who was going to show up, or how drunk my friends were going to get. Considering my doomsday predictions, miraculously no art was destroyed, no humans mamed, and I actually slept well after.  Read More

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