Paper samurai

Eric Power is pretty prolific in his animations. His most recent is called Path of Blood and promises “more paper cuts than you can handle.” Hilarious. This animation is papercraft. Eric’s sense of humor comes out in the action of the delightful little film, and in the sound design. I even find myself chuckling at things that weren’t meant to be funny. Were they? The fish jumping in the river – the sound is way too small for the size of that thing.

Anyway there’s lots of blood and bones and even an eyeball or two, but it’s paper so you’ll be fine.

This so reminds me of Samurai Jack! Does anyone remember that show from Cartoon Network? I think it was around the late nineties or early 00’s that it stopped airing. Check out the title sequence in hd. So cinematic – so nuanced. These episodes used to keep me spellbound, perhaps that’s why I like Path of Blood so much. It’s the cinematic qualities paired with awesome sound design. Winning combo. Also – the blood spurt style – so very much like Kateshi Kitano’s Zatoichi the Blind Swordsman, released in ’03. Those blood spurts where blatantly CGI, but also produced a distinct hissing sound, much like the papercraft samurai spot.

Do I recall a few hissing sounds in Kill Bill? I can’t quite recall, I suppose if you really did chop someone’s head clean off with a sharp sword there would be such a rush of blood that it would hiss? I think it’s mean to amuse rather than be realistic. For me, it works.

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