NZ passport overhaul

New Zealand’s passports make me want to switch nationality.

That is all I have to say about that.

Via Otago!

2 Responses to “NZ passport overhaul”
  1. Sage says:

    The school I went to when I was a kid had Kupunas come in all the time to teach us about Polynesian cultures and I remember one once telling a story about the Maori and ferns. He said that in old Polynesia when everyone was sailing around, if you landed in New Zealand a group of people would come to greet you and place a fern at your feet. If you picked it up it meant you came in peace and there would be a party, but if you stepped on it you were telling them you came to start a war.

  2. Aaron says:

    Step off my fern Sage.
    Hah awesome story yo

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