Miniseum—Spaced out in Bavaria

This is a collection of images that represents how I feel today—each image links back to its source where I found it, it would be a shame not to give credit to those who archive such things for us to trifle through (an hopefully it will provide you with a couple new resources as well).

So this is a Miniseum, get it? The following miniseums will be longer, so this is just a lil start, a lil baby step. I am so spaced out in Bavaria right now it’s not even funny. Its mostly just odd. Who knew space suits worked so well with Bavaria? You heard it here first.


2 Responses to “Miniseum—Spaced out in Bavaria”
  1. Here’s a link to the rollin homes flickr set. – the blog you link to as the source says that he/she doesn’t know where it came from, so just trying to help with the credit giving. It’s funny I came across the flickr set on tuesday when I was trying to make a comp of a house on a truck. Ha. Random, but not.

  2. Aaron says:

    sweet thanks sir!!

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