The books in the Fort

I was asked recently what I was reading, but not in the sense of “currently.” I think I was being asked what books I turn to when I need to. I’ve got a few standards, a few golden pages that continually intrigue, pay off, and illicit. I don’t exactly read these, but I study them. Design reading is a different category, and probably a boring one. I’ll also mention that it just started snowing outside, the first of the... Read More

Powells blitzkrieg

For those of you that are lucky enough to live in Portland, you know the program. I looked at my image library at home and realized it needed some refreshments. There is only on place. There is only one holy land. Powells Books. Here is what I found, all came from the Orange Room, in and around section 675, Nature Studies, in case you’d like similar publications on your shelf at home! Total cost: $29.25 All I will say is this could... Read More